Leadership Dictionary

Drijfveren zijn de innerlijke motivaties en overtuigingen die gedrag en beslissingen aansturen.

Een systematisch proces om de tevredenheid van werknemers te evalueren en verbeterpunten te identificeren.

Cross-functional Teams
A cross-functional team may consist of members from the marketing, product development, and sales departments working together to launch a new product.

Labor contract
A new employee signs an employment contract that describes his salary, working hours and responsibilities.

A software development company applies Agile methodology to remain flexible and respond quickly to customer needs.

Employee Value Proposition (E.V.P.)
A company develops a strong EVP to attract and retain talent by highlighting unique benefits and company culture.

A project team works together on a new product launch with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Effective communication in a company includes regular team meetings, clear emails and an open door policy.

Remote Onboarding
Remote onboarding is the process of integrating new employees who work remotely.

HR Analytics
HR Analytics is the use of data analysis techniques to inform and improve HR decisions.

Inclusive Recruitment Strategies
Inclusive recruitment strategies focus on attracting and hiring a diverse group of candidates.